Goffin Cockatoo Behavior, Pet Care, Diet, And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today we talk about Goffin Cockatoo Pet Care, health problems, Personality and what do corellas eat. Goffin’s Cockatoo is a very charming, playful, and perfect companion parrot. This beautiful bird is one of the smallest cockatoos. Because of that, you don’t need a large cage for Goffins Cockatoo; it’s a big advantage for those people who may not have large spaces to have larger cockatoos. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Goffin Cockatoo Behavior, Pet Care, Diet, And Personality. General Information. Common Names: Goffin’s Cockatoo or corella and Tanimbar corella Scientific Name: Cacatua goffini SIZE: 12 and 13 inches, same size as a cockatiel Lifespan: 30 To 40 years…
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Society Finch Care, Food, Habitat, And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today we talk about Society Finch Food, care, Habitat, And Personality. Pet Finches are the best alternative to pet fish because they can entertain you the whole day with their beautiful songs and sounds. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Society Finch Care, Food, Habitat, And Personality. General Information. Common Names: Society finch, Bengalese finch, Lonchura striata var. Scientific Name: Lonchura domestica Size: 4 To 5 inches Weight: 0.6 To 0.7 grams Lifespan: 4 To 7 years Behavior. Society finches are not…
Painted Bunting Song, Diet, Habitat, And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today we are going to talk about Painted Bunting food, sounds, calls, habitat, And Personality. This is one of the most beautiful and colorful birds in the USA. Because of its beauty, this bird is also one of the most popular cage birds. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Painted Bunting Song, Diet, Habitat, And Personality. General Information. Before we go any further, I want to share some fantastic and general information about this beautiful bird. Length: 12 To 13 cm Weight:…
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo Diet, Facts, Care And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today we will talk about the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo Diet in captivity, Facts, Care, And Personality. This is one of the largest species of white cockatoos. Sulphur Cockatoo is a different species from the lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo Diet, Facts, Care, And Personality. General Information. Here is some exciting and general information about this beautiful bird hope you enjoy it. Size: 50 cm length Weight: 780 grams Lifespan: 20 – 40 years in the wild, but…
Solomon Islands Eclectus Parrot Diet, Care, And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today I will share with you all the details about Solomon Eclectus Parrot personality, Diet, Care, habitat, behavior. This is a beautiful parrot and also a great companion. Eclectus has many subspecies, like the Grand Eclectus, Vosmaeri, and the Solomon Island Eclectus. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Solomon Islands Eclectus Parrot Diet, Care, And Personality. Eclectus Parrot Information. Before going any further, I want to share with you some general information about this beautiful bird. Scientific Name: Eclectus roratus Size:…
Rainbow Lorikeet Diet, Care, Behaviour, And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today I will share with you all the details about their Care, Behaviour, Personality and what does a rainbow lorikeet eats. A rainbow lorikeet parrot is ideal for a starter bird. It is so-called because of the brilliant colors of the rainbow-colored birds. They are also known as rainbow-loved birds because of their distinctive orange and yellow coloring. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Rainbow Lorikeet Diet, Care, Behaviour, And Personality. Rainbow Lorikeet Information. Before we go any further, I want to…
Blue Gouldian Finch Breeding, Diet, And Care. Hey friends, how are you all? Today we are going to talk about the Blue Gouldian Finch Diet, Care, and Breeding. This beautiful finch is one of the most expensive and attractive color mutations in aviculture. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Blue Gouldian Finch Breeding, Diet, And Care Genetics Of Blue Gouldian Finch The blue Gouldian finch mutation first appeared in the 1940s, which is an autosomal recessive trait. Before the seventies, no one was able to breed them in good numbers. So the question is, what…
Eastern Rosella Diet, Care, Facts And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today I will share the details about Eastern Rosella birds Diet, Care, Facts, And Personality. Rosella is one of the most beautiful and colorful parrots, which is found in Australia. So without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Eastern Rosella Diet, Care, Facts And Personality. General Knowledge. Size: 28cm To 32cm Lifespan: up to 20 years Average Weight: 99grams Scientific Name: Platycercus eximius Habitat. Eastern Rosella habitat is open grasslands, farmlands, woodlands, remnant bushland, parks, gardens, and golf courses. This beautiful bird lives throughout south-eastern…
Australian King Parrot Diet, Facts, Habitat, And Personality. This bird is one of the most beautiful green Australian parrots that are native to Australia. Hey friends, how are you all? Today I will share with you all the details about Australian King Parrot food, Facts, Habitat, disease, call and sounds, And Personality. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic. Australian King Parrot Diet, Facts, Habitat, And Personality General Knowledge. Size: Typically 40 To 45 cm Mass: 230 grams in Adult Lifespan: in wild their lifespan is unknown but as a pet, Australian King Parrot lifespan can…
American Goldfinch Song, Calls, Sounds, Habitat And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today I will share with you all the details about American Goldfinch Calls, Sounds, Habitat, care, health disease, and personality. This is a small, beautiful, and attractive yellow finch, which is found in America. So friends without wasting time, let’s start our topic. American Goldfinch Song, Calls, Sounds, Habitat, And Personality General Knowledge. Scientific Name: Spinus tristis Mass: 14 grams Lifespan: 3 To 10 years Family: Fringillidae Length: 11 To 13 cm Habitat. American Goldfinch habitat in Weedy fields, open floodplains, and other overgrown areas. These…